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This is going to be a short and sweet post: Go fishing! Bring Avas and Teasers, poppers, spooks, swimmers. Here's some pictures from today:

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We unfortunately have to start our report with some terrible news. When you hear something like "He was a legend" or  "A true innovator" it's generally just hyperbole in most cases. With Bob Popovics, it was generally an understatement. He truly revolutionized saltwater fly fishing, and accomplished everything that could be done with a rod and reel. He loved teaching, and was one of the kindest, most genuine people you could meet. Sadly, he passed away on November 1st after a tragic accident and will be greatly missed, and the world is darker with his absence. Bob's viewing will be...

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First off, Happy Halloween! We're running our kids costume contest through the weekend, so don't forget to bring your kids in for a chance to win a gift card! If you've been paying any sort of attention to our social media, the sand eel bite is on! While we're hearing sporadic reports of bunker, it seems sand eels are what the bass are keyed in on. Pair up an Ava, Bill Hurley, Tsunami Sand Eel, Joe Baggs, Hydro Minnow, Swarter, or Needle with a Teaser, and profit! Our cover shot shows Alex Tongas with a beautiful 40”+ Bass he caught...

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It's go time! While we're getting a little bit of weather currently (shocking for this year as we've had perfect weather to date) there are some big girls around! As you can see in our cover photo, Chris Sosnicki landed this absolute unit on a chunk. Wednesday had crazy action with bass on the beach north of us, and crazily enough, giant bluefin! While no surfcasters hooked up, they were certainly in casting range, but a few boats did score livelining bunker and trolling ballyhoo. We're filling the shop for the fall, with tons of custom plugs, rods, reels, and...

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As we push into Mid-October, we're starting to see the mullet run winding down. It was the best mullet run in quite a few years, with netters and anglers both scoring. We're hearing of more and more bass on the beach, especially in low light hours, but the daytime guys, such as Sam in our featured photo, are scoring as well. Metals and teasers have been a good bet during the day with bunker and mullet keeping the chunkers happy. Needlefish, SP's, Mag Darters, and the like have been the ticket at night. Sea Bass is still doing well on...

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Moon Phase (Today)