Happy St Patrick's Day

Black Drum, Bluefish, Fishing Reports, Fluke, Striped bass, Winter Bass, Winter Flounder -

Happy St Patrick's Day

First, thanks to everyone who came to our booth at the NJ Saltwater Fishing Expo in Edison this past weekend.  We had a very successful and busy weekend.  It was great to see all of the anglers come through our area.  That was our final special event of the winter season and we are now looking forward to a great spring run.  Striped bass, winter flounder, black drum, bluefish, and then fluke in the upcoming weeks.  Are you ready?

Right now, the bass are cooperating when the weather cooperates.  Bloodworms are the most productive, with small soft plastics like 3” NLBNs, Kettle Creeks, Happy Baits Paddle Tails, or small swim shads being the ticket.  Most of the action is still on the west side of the bay and the creeks and rivers that feed into it, but we have heard of a few fish off of the local docks, and even heard of a couple taken in the surf on clams. 

It's Saint Patrick’s Day.  Of course we are showing a picture of Ray in his Leprechaun costume…