Black Drum, Fishing Reports, Fluke, giftcards, IBSP, island beach state park, New Stuff, product, Spot Burn, Spring Run, Striped bass -

Busy Fish Day Yesterday For a Monday

Today in the shop we had a couple of shipments of new product come in.  Ray, still being in vacation mode, plans to dig into them tomorrow.  Watch our Facebook, Instagram, or this fishing report for updates of what we got. 

Also, just a reminder, Father’s day is coming soon.  Less than a week.  We have plenty of items that would make a perfect gift for your father.  But, if you are undecided, you can get a Gift Card and pass along the decision making to Dad…

For a Monday, we had a number of fishing reports and weigh ins come in.  Seems the fishing remains good.  We keep hearing about black drum on clams (both fresh shucked and salted).  These fish don’t normally stick around very long, so if you want to tangle with one, you may want to hit Island Beach now. 

There are still keeper sized and “over” sized striped bass around in the surf.  They are taking bait, both clams and bunker.  At the end of the day, Matt sent in this picture of a keeper he caught on a salted clam.


The fluke are in the surf too, and they are hungry and cooperating.  Monday morning Steve weighed in this 18.5 inch, 2.35 pound fluke he caught in the surf on a teaser.


Later in the day, Lou DeFonteney brought in this 23.5 inch, 4.45 pound fluke he got on, and we quote, “Grumpy Gulp!” from the surf.  Nice fish Lou!

Those who came in to the shop on Monday to see Ray’s new hair were terribly disappointed.  It seems before he got to the shop, his hair abandoned him…