One More Day
But first, shop news…
We have added a few more items to the shop and the online store. First, Shimano has added to their lineup of TranX Low Profile Baitcaster Reels. They made a smaller model, the 150. As with the 200, there are 3 retrieve ratios in a right hand retrieve option, and one in a left retrieve option. Sorry Lefties. We recently received a couple of the left-hand retrieve model. Grumpys is looking out for you Lefties!
We have added another spook lure to the lineup here at Grumpys. This one is unique in that it has a different body shape. The Rapala Skitter V has a V-shaped bottom, similar to a boat, that allows for an easier walk-the-dog motion and much longer glides between direction changes. These long glides drive timid fish crazy, as the lure slowing down at the end of the glide looks like an easy meal. We have the 5 ¼” model in 4 colors. Check them out.
With both striped bass and flounder season opening, we have added some new offerings form MaiTai tackle for those who prefer to fish bait. The new striped bass rigs are the Striped Bass Hi/Lo Bay And River rig. These rigs were designed specifically for our back bay system for fishing worms for striped bass. They have baitholder inline circle hooks in sizes from 2/0 to 4/0. Yes, you read that correctly, baitholder inline circle hooks. They also have some small floats to get your bait up in front of a foraging bass.
The other newly added rig is in the winter flounder line. We now have the bead & baitholder winter flounder rigs available in size #4 baitholder hooks, and the newly added size #6 baitholder hooks. Both use yellow mono and yellow beads, as yellow is an attractant color for winter flounder.
For anyone who missed it, don’t forget we have a primer for what to do for opening day of striped bass. You can read it here.
Activity is picking up in the shop, as we are in the final countdown to both the opening of the backwaters for striped bass, and the opening day for winter flounder in NJ. Now, if only mother nature would cooperate with those opening dates. We are looking at rain on and off for the rest of the week here at the shop. That shouldn’t stop the fishing, as the fish are already wet. It may slow down the participation, as in general, anglers prefer to remain mostly dry (which is why we sell waders).
Ray is particularly happy this week. He got a new toy. While this picture doesn’t exactly represent the new toy, you should have an idea.