Bunker, fall migration, fall run, Fishing Reports, IBSP, island beach state park, Peanut Bunker, Spot Burn, Striped bass, surfcasting -

What a day!!!

We had a good day of fishing.

Make that a great day of fishing.   

So much so, we’ll hold off on shop news for today. 

The striped bass showed up, they are large, and they showed up in droves.   Out on Island Beach State Park, and right up the road too.  Fresh bunker was the top bait, but lures got them too.  We also heard reports from north of us also of anglers getting into big fish, so more are coming.

Here are some notable catches.


Norm Mayfield got a 36 inch bass Wednesday morning off the beach.  He landed it on fresh bunker chunks. 


Bill Montes landed and released this 41 inch bass from the IBSP surf using fresh bunker chunks.  Note the location of the inline circle hook in the corner of the jaw.  It worked just like it was supposed to.  This was one of two fish that Bill told us about.


Surfcaster_Christian sent these pictures in of himself landing and releasing some jumbos. 


Not all big fish fell for bunker.  A customer who shall not be named landed this 46 inch bass from the surf.  It fell for a Daiwa SP Minnow as the sun was going down. 


The surf anglers were not the only ones who got into the action.  Our own Scott pushed off the beach in his Old Towne Kayak from Yakity Yaks to get into some nice fish.  He was using Ben Parker Magnum Flutter Jigs to put on a show.


From the boat side, Rick Saloom got into them off of Seaside Park.  From the number of pictures he sent, looks like he had over a dozen.  Here is an example of the fish he was into (all by himself at that).  He landed all of them on white swim shads.  He stopped when his net broke.  (We told him we have replacements in the shop). 

 The fish are here and Ray is so excited he’s gone “rave”