The Fishing Is Good - We Think You Should Go Fishing Now
But First, shop news…
We have added a new line of custom, locally built wooden fishing plugs. Introducing the Alien Custom Plugs Danny Swimmer. These are a well made, through wired small danny swimmer with a unique (to a danny) spoon lip. These are smaller dannys, 4 inches long and 1 ¼ ounces, perfect for back bays, calm days, and when small to medium bait is on the menu. Here is our prediction: These are going to be hot during the mullet run. Get yours now while we have them.
Want your picture featured on our fishing reports on Facebook, Instagram and right here in this report? We now have a number you can text your photos to the number above. Please include your name, what you caught the fish on (ie. what bait or what lure), the length of the fish (if you know it) and a general location (if you are too specific, we will obfuscate your location). Please limit the photos to fish caught locally to the shop, or fish caught anywhere on tackle purchased through Grumpys. Please no pictures of bloody fish, fish coated in sand, or fish held incorrectly (hand deep in gills, etc) for fish that are going to be released. We won’t post those if you send them.
Go fishing! Why? While the fishing over the weekend was very good, the fishing on Monday was excellent. It seems everyone who went out on Monday got fish. We had a lot of anglers coming back for either more clams to continue fishing or for ice for their catch. The name of the game is still striped bass in the surf on clams. We heard of fish from keeper slot size up to the 40+ inch class of fish. We even got a report of a rod that was dragged into the water by something big.
There are bluefish in the surf too. They are falling for cut vac-sealed bunker or mullet. We have also had a few fluke reported that ate clams meant for stripers.
In the bay, the big blues are cruising and eating poppers, spooks and plastic swimmers like SP Minnows or Mag Darters. There are also fluke being caught in all the usual spring spots in the bay.
Here are some notable recent catches:
Our cover photo: @_earthtoclooser is on them again!
Tom landed this slot using a Fresh Clam from the IBSP surf.
Ray Nasto with a morning bite on clam! Here is one of many fish.
@jrzrodsquad with a beautiful early season surf 3.3 pound fluke that hit a Fresh Clam in the surf.
@_yuriy_ found some bass on clam at sunset.
Kurtis is on them again Sunday morning.
@tomfromthepoconos got his first beach keeper of the year on clams
Maxx Levy with 29 inch, 8.75 pounder out of the bay. And Daisy insisted on being in the picture too.
Bill Mack with a 32 inch, 7.85 pound bluefish taken on cut vac-sealed bunker from the surf.
The wet weather did not stop Jayden Crooks. He got a 29 inch, 8.15 pound striped bass on fresh clam from the surf
Look who out fished his dad today! Nice job buddy!! @magictail_outfitters
Paco and Bill came in with a pair of slot bass they caught in the IBSP surf on Fresh Clams.
@robertpape06 with a really nice bass he just sent in to us.
So, with all the stuff going on this weekend, we almost forgot that Sunday was Cinco De Mayo. Some of us did not forget, however. Blackcloud Bob and Grumpy Hisself went out to party on Sunday. They didn’t know there would be photo proof, but there is…
Scott tried to tag along, but you can see why they ditched him…