Got clam? Get Bass
First, shop news…
We added some new products to the shop and website this week. First on the docket, we now carry Magictail rods. We have the Inshore Series and Wreck Series available. You all know the quality that Magictail puts into their lures. The same attention to quality has gone into the rods too. The inshore series are perfect for stalking the back bays for bass and bluefish, or taking on a boat for just about anything you want to catch (including jigging for blackfish). The wreck series will cover any of the monsters you want to pull off of a wreck or reef, like blackfish, grouper, snapper, etc.
We have two new items from Jigging World. The first are the Power Ball V2 Bucktail Jigs. These jigs are perfect for jigging fluke, see bass and weakfish. The quality hooks will also allow them to tackle stronger fighters, like striped bass, bluefish, redfish and cobia. And all that for a reasonable price, so you won’t break the bank jigging the snaggy bottom.
The other Jigging World product is the Jigging World Micro Silicone Skirt Teasers. These are not hooked teasers, but are great silicone skirts with glow in the dark legs that allow you to build your own teaser rig. After tying a dropper loop, slide this onto the loop and then add your hook of choice. Ray tested these last year for fluke and he calls them his “secret weapon.” Well, secret is out now…
For those who are aficionados of slow pitch jigging, or those who want to be, we had added a new line up of jigs for the technique. The Major Craft Jigpara Slow Pitch Jigs run anywhere from 15G (0.52 oz) to 80G (2.82 oz). Use these for black sea bass, fluke, striped bass or anything else you can jig for. The action on them is amazing.
The fishing off the surf still remains anywhere from good to fantastic. Clams are still the ticket, but a few of our reports came on artificials. Blues are also in the surf hitting bunker or mullet. And there are some nice fluke in the surf. Many have been taken incidentally on clams meant for bass, but those who targeted the fluke did well.
In the bay, the blues have taken over. They are also hitting mullet or cut bunker, but topwater lures are taking them too.
Here are some notable catches.
Our Cover shot: @_giuseppem__ with a nice bass caught Wednesday evening.
@fishonnn got this bass on clam.
Sam lynch caught bass up to 32” on clam Tuesday morning
Branden Dwornick got into them.
Frank B from CT with a bass on clam.
Ron B with a bass on clam.
Ron Faust with a 29” bass on clam.
@blacksalt_fishing and his dad found fluke and bass
@iggy.gonzales didn’t let the blues get him down. This one fell to an SP minnow
If the salt isn’t your thing, go hit up some sweet water! AJ found this hog of a ditch pickle in ocean county waters.
“36” 20# on the salted clam first cast at first light not even ten minutes into the soak”
Jason Mauro decided to fish instead of going to work. We think it was a good choice.
Let’s hear it for the guys catching on artificials. Here’s Nick English with a beautiful bass he caught today on a @nolivebaitneeded shad
Anthony found this 31” bass using a clam
Mike with beautiful limit of Fluke from the shore! Nice job! All caught on Gulp! Jerk Shads.
@ndesantisphoto found a nice bass and blue Wednesday night.
Henry DiChrurch with a 9.7 lb bass taken on clam.
You will all be happy to know, and no on is happier about this news than our resident germaphobe Ray, that after this week, you are all safe from contracting rabies from Scott. Now, you are all probably wondering what happened this week that Scott is no longer a danger of spreading rabies. That is a good question and I will tell you. Scott went to the doctor and received a series of rabies shots. Now, the next logical question most of you (I hope) have moved on to is why did Scott need to get rabies shots? Well, this happened…