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Warm Weather Brings More Fish
Some quick shop news. We got in some new stuff this week. We are restocked on JoeBaggs stuff, including the resin jigs. The past couple of summers these have been the hot lure for Spanish Mackerel, false albacore and bonito. Don’t wait until when these fish get here to stock up, by then it may be too late. We have restocked on Tony Maja trolling rods. The early spring striper bite has been hot the past couple years (from the boats, sorry surf guys), but many days you need to troll to find them. Tony Maja Spoons have been a big...
Another Midweek Shop Update, a Bucktail Sale, and a Fishing Report.
We had a big tackle order come in yesterday. Sheldon busted his butt putting it away. We’ll have more specifics about what came in on social media in the next couple of days, but for now we’ll say we got a lot of stuff from Tsunami Tackle. We also recently received a small order of Daiwa BG MQ reels in the 2500 size. This is a great little reel for our current back bay fishery. We have a limited supply, both in the shop and available online. If you are looking for a good reel for light back bay fishing, don’t...
First Official Spring 2021 Report
Thanks everyone for coming out to the shop, or visiting the website, for our Spring Has Sprung sale. It was a rousing success. We appreciate everyone’s support. Ray is trying to be humble about this. As you can see, he is failing… We have moved things around in the shop. We now have a self-serve frozen bait freezer for our customers. For those of you who don’t want to talk to us in the shop, you can grab whatever you want yourself, including squid for fluke, and bunker for crabbing. And if you are going to miss talking to...
Spring Has Sprung Sale
Saturday and Sunday we are holding our SPRING HAS SPRUNG sale. We are having our sale along with Yakkity Yak Kayak rentals next door. See the two fliers below for details on each sale. We will be having John Hudler from Scabelly plugs in the store with a new batch of Scabelly plugs. He will have gliders and other special plugs with him for sale. The store opens at 7:00, and we expect John to be sold out quickly, so get there early is you want a Scabelly plug. We will also have Stan Gola from S&S Bucktails...
Getting Closer to the Big Spring Sale...
We got some restocks in this weekend. We have more ODM Surfwave Bags, specifically the very popular 2.5 tube version. Both in store and online, and we expect them to go fast. Another item we restocked that we do not expect to last are the Van Staal VSB100/VSB150 Extended Reel Foot. We were able to get a few more in black. So for those of you tired of getting your knuckles smacked with your VSX100 or VSX150 reels, this is your solution. This also goes for those of you who have to choose between using their VSX100 or VSX150...
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