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Happy Valentine's Day , and Your Two Week Warning
Valentines Day is over, so you can now concentrate on your true passion. It is only two weeks until the back bays open for striped bass in New Jersey. It’s also opening day of winter flounder season here. And after that, all the other local fish will be here before you know it. Now is the time to prepare. We are here to help you prepare. We have new stuff coming in every week. We have restocked on ODM DNA rods, including the very popular 9 foot model, which is selling quickly. For the back bay striped bass, you...
Restocking, Adding New Items, and a Fishing Report.
We’ve been busy this week with “inventory control.” We got a couple of nice orders delivered to us the beginning of the week. We have been busy restocking shelves and adding new items to both the brick and mortar and the online stores. Here is a summary of what he have done. But first, if you have been called about a rod or reel repair that has been completed, please come pick it up. We are running out of room to put the completed reels, and poor Frank is up to his armpits in them. Thanks. Ok, now here is...
Ray Thawed Out
We received a big order today. Sixty five boxes. It warmed Ray so much he totally thawed out since the last fishing report. And even grew some hair (see the picture...). We will have a lot of restocking to do, but should have it all out well before the weekend. What did we get? Wait and see, we still have boxes to open... Oh yeah, right. You are here for a fishing report... It's been a blizzard since the last report. The ocean has been in "Victory at Sea" mode for the past few days. The waves are reaching to, and...
Winter Weather and Winter Sale.
Grumpys Tackle will be closed Monday, February 1, 2021 due to inclement weather. Ray went outside tonight and, as you can see in the photo, he's going to need a day to thaw out. So, since you cannot come in on Monday for the full Grumpys experience, we will make it up to you by extending our winter sale in the online store by a day. For any of you who are experiencing this winter storm, we know you are looking for an excuse to not go out and shovel snow. Might as well go shopping. Just use the same discount...
Winter fishing and WINTER SALE!
There is not really much to report in terms of fishing. There still might be a micro-bass or two in the surf to be caught, but no one seems to be trying for them anymore. And if they are, they are not coming into the shop bragging about it (and we understand). Therefore, we are currently in a holding pattern waiting for the back bays to open for both striped bass and winter flounder on March 1st. That being said, now is the time to stock up on tackle for the upcoming season, and, lucky for you, this upcoming weekend (January...
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