More New Stuff Yada Yada Yada More Fishing Reports
Another big week here at Grumpys. Ray has been on a buying spree and his orders are coming in. It's like he had a drunken bender Thanksgiving night on that big website named after a tribe of warrior women, and now all the boxes are showing up. He's a bit overwhelmed...
We had more Penn Battle III DX reels come in. These are a great reel in this price range, and we got the size 4000 in this shipment, which pairs very well with 8 and 9 foot surf rods, or 7 to 8 foot boat rods.
As far as reels go, we also got in some of the smaller Daiwa BG MQ reels. We had these ordered for a while, and they are finally here. Now those who know Ray knows he loves his Shimano Stradics, but he said today (and I wish I recorded it) that the Daiwa BG MQ 4000 were as good as his beloved Stradic. That is high praise coming from Ray. We have them in store and online if you want to get one before they disappear.
We also received from Daiwa a restocking of their workhorse line, the Daiwa BG. New (to Grumpys at least) is the 1500 size, which would make a great ultra light saltwater reel of a nice freshwater spinner.
We got some of the new JoeBaggs Sand Eels in. They are currently in shop only, and we don't expect them to last long.
We also got in a big shipment of Captain Ron's All Natural Insect Repellent. if you are not familiar with Captain Ron's, it is one of the only repellents to work on greenhead flies. And anyone who has been bitten by a greenhead knows that you don't want to be bitten a second time. So, while we did get a lot of Capt Ron's bottles in, there is a lesson to be learned about the Island beach State Park Mobile Sport Fishing Vehicle Permit fiasco from this spring. For those unfamiliar, IBSP had 8000 permits to sell, and sold out by early April. With that in mind, don't wait until the greenheads start biting to order your Captain Ron's. Get it now and stash it in your beach buggy so you don't have to leave the beach when the flies start biting.
Recently we have been hearing about a decent bite of larger striped bass in a bay north of the shop. One lure in particular was getting a lot of buzz because apparently the bass have been stealing every one of them off the end of people's lines. They just take them right off the clip or snap. How they do this without opposable digits is still a mystery, but who are we to question? So, for those who have had their Yo-Zuri Hydro Minnow LCs stolen, we got you covered right here.
Locally, the bite off the beach has been picking up. Its still a bait game though. Bunker chunks or clams are the best bets. Earlier in the week Walter Burke reported he got a schoolie and lost another in the wash on bunker just north of the shop.
The back bay bite is still hot for mostly small schoolie sized bass. All the previous lures listed for the last month and half are still working, but today we got reports of the Tsunami Pro Tidal Baits Mullet working, with photo proof.
If you want to fish bait, bloodworms are the bait of choice for the bay.
The blackfish bite has been good, though we are hearing most boats have to pick through a lot of shorts to put together a catch of keepers. The guys on the BNR did well this week with green crabs on S&S White Chin Wrecker jigs.
For the weekend we will have fresh bunker, live bloodworms, fresh shucked clams, salted clams, live green crabs and an assortment of frozen baits.