Fishing Reports RSS
Fall Migration is here...
We had decent reports coming in all day but it got really good Tuesday night. Big Scott (In Pic) , Keith, and Dave had them really good tonight on a little of everything! Seems this latest cold front has turned them on! Scabelly Gliders, Yo-zuri Mag Darters, Shimano Coltsnipers, and Teasers. Some of the fish were in the keeper category. I can say with confidence that the run is here. Put your time in and you'll be rewarded. Guys are consistently catching everyday. Open 430am-8pm In-Store! Open 24 hours Online!
Water was dirty Monday but there was fish
The bass reports were coming in even with the dirty water. Even heard of a couple pushing the 43" range! Metals, Teasers, and Plastic eels like the Bill Hurley/Tsunami Eels were producing. To sum it up the fish are here. Are they here in huge number yet? No but we have guys catching consistently everyday. Use the proper artificials that will imitate a sand eel and you'll be in the game. The guys that want to fish bait I have no good news. The bait game is slow as of right now.
Bass reported in the morning hours..
We had bass reported in the morning hours Sunday. Our very own Sean is keeping his hot streak going. Went 4 for 6 using plugs and teasers. Nothing bigger than 26". Seemed once the light came up it kinda shut off. Nothing really reported in the PM. Right now we have some heavy winds so we'll see what the conditions look like Monday. We'll update our Social Media pages throughout the day if we hear anything. Every holiday season we get calls inquiring about us shipping gift cards. Now its easier than ever! You can now purchase Grumpy Giftcards for the holiday season on...
Better Reports and some bigger Bass..
Much better reports again from the surf both Friday and Saturday AM. Seems the anglers fishing in the dark are producing the best but we did hear of some Bass during the day as well.. The majority of the Bass are on the smaller side but we did hear of a few Friday night that were pushing the 30lb Class! Plugs, Metals, Needlefish, or Plastic Eels with a Sand eel Teaser were the top producers. Fish anything that will imitate a Sand eel. Match the hatch! We've been working hard to keep the shop/online loaded with inventory. The supply chain...
More Bass being reported...
Got some decent reports today. Few regulars got them this morning on metals and teasers and the evening crowd got them in the dark on plugs. Our very own Sean got decent size Bass this evening off the surf. Photo above! Seems the fishing is definitely starting to make a turn for the better on the surf. We'll see what Friday brings. OPEN 430am-8pm EVERYDAY In-Store! OPEN 24 Hours Online!
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- fall migration
- fall run
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- island beach state park
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- White Perch
- Winter Bass
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