Tuna Have Entered The Playing Field

Blueclaw, Bluefin, Bluefish, Crabs, Fishing Reports, Fluke, Northern Kingfish, Shark, Spot, Sting Ray, surfcasting, Tuna -

Tuna Have Entered The Playing Field

No shop news for this one.

Th fishing along the beach still feels slower than It should be.  There are some fluke being caught in the surf, and the occasional bluefish too.  The fluke are falling for bucktails and Gulp!, while the bluefish are taking mullet or cut bunker. 

In the bay, there is tight competition for the leaderboard between spot and crabs.  Also, if you throw a chunk of bunker on the bottom of the bay, you have a shot at a ray, shark or a decent bluefish. 

Tuna have entered the equation.  Bluefin have been found from 8 to 18 miles off and are taking jigs and trolling lures.  The yellowfin have stayed in the canyons (so far). 

Kingfish have also entered the equation in the surf.  Fishbites, squid or clam on a kingfish rig is the way to go 

Here are some notable recent catches: 

Our cover shot, Grumpys favorite Budish with a 22” 4.9 lb fluke from Saturday. 

Our first kingfish report, finally.   Bob Jehnke caught this one Sunday.

As many of you know, we had some representatives down at iCAST last week.  While they were mostly behaved, there were some shenanigans reported.  These shenanigans can be found with simple searches on Facebook or Instagram.  There was also another Grumpys part-time employee there representing her primary job.  That primary job wanted to present well, so they wanted to be color-coordinated. Therefore, they had a dress code.  Scott was able to get an incognito shot of said dress code, albeit he only got it from the knees down.  Doesn’t matter, because he captured the point of interest we have for the purpose of this fishing report.  In the picture below, which set of feet do you think is the Grumpys part timer?  Yup, the one who is expecting the tide to be very high in Orlando….