The End of Fluke Season
We’ve added a few more Penn Reels to the site. Specifically, the Penn Battle III DX in two sizes, 3000 and 4000. These are great reels, especially in this price point. The make a great inshore boat reel, and inshore light tackle reel from shore, or a light surf reel for 8 or 9 foot rods. With the way our striped bass season has been the past couple of fall runs, these would be a perfect reel for them. We also have the bigger sizes if you want to throw bigger lures or even bait.
Fluke season in NJ is over. You have a few more days in NY, CT, and MA. If I read the Rhode Island regulations correctly, you still have a lot of fluke fishing time. Seems like you have plenty of time in Delaware to target summer flounder too. Anyway, for now, I think I am finally done typing the phrase “bucktails and Gulp!” for the foreseeable future.
If you put a 6 inch Gulp! grub on a S&S Pro Rockhopper or Rockhopper as a trailer, it will work for striped bass in the surf. Just sayin…
We had one weigh in on the last day of fluke season, and it was a good one. John Kravchek brought in the 6.05 pound fluke he landed out on Island Beach State Park. Nice buzzer fish…
So what kind of fishing is there now that fluke is over? Bluefish. The bluefishing in the surf has been good. They have been consistently taking mullet on mullet rigs. We have plenty of fresh mullet for those who want to try. The blues have also been hitting metals like Ava jigs, resin jigs, and swimming plugs like SP minnows when they are actively chasing bait.
For those with boats who need something to take the place of fluke, there is still good blowfishing in Barnegat Bay. They are hitting Fishbites, squid or clam.
The tautog fishing is picking up. Barry Hawley brought in this 3.0 pound blackfish he landed on the jetty out on IBSP using an S&S Whitechin Wrecker Jig.
And the striped bass will be here before you know it. Actually, the resident fish are here and biting if you know where to look...
Ray had a special Sunday planned for his sons. He took them on an adventure involving trains. We are not really sure if the adventure was really for them, or if it was Ray who was the train geek…