New Shimano Reels In Stock, And A Fishing Report
Well, I said yesterday we would have some shop news, and we got some good shop news. We got in some more hard to get Shimano Reels. We have Vanford, Saragosa SW, TwinPower FD, and TwinPower XD spinning reels in stock. For those looking for conventional reels, we have Tekota, Tekota A, and Torium available. We also have a some Tranx low profile baitcasters, but they are in-store only at the moment. We do have an online only Shimano reel available, and it is a special one. We have a very hard to find TwinPower SW 5000 in stock. There is only one, and it will be on a first come basis. If you want to pick it up in store. But it though the site and choose “In Store Pickup” as the shipping option.
We restocked the web site with Promar Castable Crab traps, which have sold surprisingly well lately. With the crabbing being good, now might be the time to try something unique and new.
We have also restocked the online store with S&S John Skinner Fluke Bucktails. Glow and Pink Shine have been our two most popular colors in this line of bucktails. These are only available in the online shop, but, if you like visiting us in the brick & mortar shop, you can always choose “in store pickup” and come by to say hello.
We had a strong southeast wind blowing today, which we believe kept a lot of fishermen home. Having to go back to work after a long holiday weekend might have had something to do with it too, but we don’t consider work a valid excuse to not go fishing. Anyway, our own Scott @wefish138 braved the wind to show the fluke were still biting. He got this one on an S&S Fluke Nukem Bucktail (Super Glow Squid if you want to know the color) tipped with a 4” Gulp! grub (in white).
I mentioned it was windy, right? Ray wasn’t too fond of the wind…