Lots of teeth out there…
Before we get into fishing, some store news.
We received a shipment today of reels from Pure Fishing. We have restocked Van Staal VSX reels, Van Staal VR reels, Penn Battle III reels, Penn Fierce III reels, and a couple of Penn Battle III DX reels. If you were looking for a reel that we were out of, now would be the time to pick it up.
We also added some Shimano Stradics and Vanfords to the online store.
We added a new line of S&S Bucktails to the online store, the Pro Striper Bullet Jig Heads. Like the original bullet heads, but heavier duty for fishing bigger soft plastics for bigger fish. They will be perfect for Megashads, Hurley 9” Tails, or Got-cha 8 inch curly tails.
We had a special visit from Bob the Garbage Man yesterday, as you can see from the picture. We got the garbage man seal of approval for our bunker. He had no interest in our pencil divers and needle poppers, so no comments there (though we suspect what he would say about them couldn’t be repeated here anyway). He regaled us with tales of the Margate Pumphouse Blitz and the 3 day Massacre at Chadwick in 1991. He liked our crew, saying it reminded him or some of his buddies, like Midget Mikey, One Legged Ollie, Massapequa Fats, Planky Pete, Asylum Santa, inked Ismail, Tiny the Geriatric Cassanova, and Bongo the Cretin. Even Jenni reminded him of one of his old crew, Debbie the Dirtbag. Now, before all of you write to us saying how can you say that about Jenni, Bob the Garbage Man thought very highly of Debbie, so that is a high compliment. Wanna learn more about Bob? Here you go:
Now for the fishing report:
There are lots of shark chasing the bunker and small blues all over between the two inlets closest to the shop. We have some Backlash Shark rigs left in the shop from the summer bite for those who want to try. We also have the wire to make your own bite leaders if you want. And we have fresh bunker ready to go for bait.
We’re gonna give Ray a break today. Yesterday’s report accusing him of being afraid of education was enough for now…