Fluke, Blues, Spot, Blowfish, Crabs
But first, shop news…
We restocked Lil’ Docs. These are fish raising machines, so don’t miss out. Plus they are one of the easiest spook style lures to work.
The fishing in the surf remains good. The invasion of tailor blues has receded a bit. They are still there, sometimes in ridiculous numbers, but they are not EVERYWHERE like they recently were. If you want them mullet is still a good choice, and for lures, small metals and small poppers.
The positive of the bluefish run waning is that anglers can now get Gulp! in front of fluke without getting the tails nipped off. And the fluke have responded with some nice catches being reported.
The bay fishing has really picked up with the local docks producing spot, blowfish, and snapper blues. The crabbing has also been good, so if you want an easy but fun day on the water, especially for your kids, now is a good time to hit the bay.
In the ocean, the inshore reefs and wrecks are producing fluke. Also, tautog (blackfish) season reopens August 1st for one fish at 15 inches, so there is another option to target. We have also heard reports of Spanish mackerel around.
We have heard reports of sheepshead being caught just to the south of us. So close they might be around here too.
Here are a few notable catches:
Our cover photo is Carter Tittle with his personal best surf fluke (so far) coming in at 19 inches and 2.65 pounds.
George Ford got his personal best fluke Sunday morning! After weeding through a morning of shorts, he landed this 22 inch 4.75 pounder off the surf.
Kristian found some fluke Monday on Gulp!
We are going to give Mr Raymond a break this report, even though it seems he has gone on his 2nd yearly camping trip for this year. Instead we are going to focus on our Online Sales Manager. He just returned from a trip to Salem, MA. For those unfamiliar with what Salem is famous for look up the Salem Witch Trials. So, Salem is full of “witches”. How does he know. Well…
He got better...