Back Bays Are Open And The Bass Are Back

Fishing Reports, In-Store Pickup, New Stuff, product, Sale, Striped bass, Winter Bass -

Back Bays Are Open And The Bass Are Back

But first, shop news…

We are currently running an online sale on MaiTai rigs.  All MaiTai rigs are currently 20% off on the website (discount is taken at checkout).  Now is the time to get the bass or winter flounder rigs you are going to be using in the back bay, or stock up on the fluke rigs you will be using before you know it. This is an online only sale, but if you want to grab your rigs while you stop in the shop for bait, just choose in-store pickup at checkout. 

We are currently not taking in any reels for repair, as Frank will be going out on a short medical leave in a month.  He wants to finish the reels he currently has so no one waiting for a reel repair through his recovery period.  Once Frank is healthy again, we will be taking in reels again. 

We added some nice new tackle bags from Shimao this week.  We added the Blackmoon Backpack, and two nice tackle bags, the Baltica (pictured above) and Borona.  Its time to upgrade your tackle storage.

The back bays are open and stripers are being caught.  For those who haven’t seen one since last year (like me), our cover shot is what a striped bass looks like.  Bloodworms are taking most of the fish, but artificails like 3 inch NLBNs and small Storm shads and Tsunami shads are doing work as well.  The water is still a bit cold, so a slow presentation with the lures is the way to go. 

Here are some notable catches:

Cover shot:  Swimduck Lures found them once the back bay opened up

@nikobrooks1 found the bass in the very early morning on Daiwa SP Minnows.

So, Frank is going to be out on medical leave.  HIPAA laws prevent us from sharing why he is going to be out.  However, if you see him after his procedure and he looks like the picture below, we can safely say that bandage was not because he had a frontal lobotomy, allegedly.