Back Bay Report
But first, a little shop news.
How many of you watch fishing videos on YouTube? Admit it, many of you do. How many know about Kepti Fishing on Youtube? If you don’t, check him out. Pedro is a great young man who makes videos on our local fishing. Pedro has been showing up to the shop on the past couple of Sundays and worked with Blackcloud Bob learning how to make his first custom rod. This is all being recorded for posterity, and we are looking forward to Pedro’s video on Youtube of his experience.
It was a terrible weekend weather wise for fishing. Lots of heavy rains, and when that stopped, winds up into the mid 40 knot range with coastal flooding. That kept a lot of anglers off the water. We did have some anglers go out and find a spot out of the wind. They soaked some bloodworms and scored some striped bass.
The weather for the upcoming week looks OK. Not great, as we will have some wind (though nothing like Sunday and Monday) and some showers here and there, but it is March and the weather is never perfect. We expect to get some good reports in the coming days. We have bloodworms coming in regularly, so we will have the hot bait when you are ready to go.
We haven’t heard much on winter flounder yet. If you want to give them a shot, we have the chum logs, chum pots, blood worms, and rigs you will need.
Last report we mentioned Scott was “a little under the weather.” Well, some of you may already know, but for those that don’t, Scott is one of the most generous people on the planet. He will freely share fishing tips, seafood recipes, and even fishing spots. However, we recently all learned he is willing to share everything. He shared what was putting him under the weather with Blackcloud Bob. Now, you may remember Ray suffers from Mysophobia. Having two people in the shop that are not feeling 100% is really wearing on Ray’s sanity. You may come into the shop and see Ray doing some weird things he thinks are remedies, like internally applying bleach, shining a UV light where UV light isn’t supposed to be shined, and drinking hand sanitizer. It’s tough to be a germophobe in a germy world.